Gear up for amazing sales and auctions you won't believe!

We love finding tons of things hidden away in our totes to make and share. Due to my health, we generally run 1-3 auctions a year, whenever we have a good stockpile saved up. Themes will vary each year, but you can usually expect a Christmas one to get you a good jumpstart on your holiday shopping.

Items are generally priced well below retail value, so you can score some potentially great deals. All auctions are run in our Facebook group, with items in photo albums. To bid, you simply comment on the photo of the item you want to bid on with your bidding price. Information and beginning bid amount will be in the photo’s description.

When the auction is over, we will contact you on Facebook to get your Paypal email address and your mailing address. After totaling up your item prices and weights, we’ll grab a shipping estimate from PirateShip and message you a final invoice. You’ll then come back here, click the Payment button, and submit your payment.

After that, just sit back, relax, and wait for your items to be delivered!

©2025 Mandi’s Muses. Website by Phoenix Author Services.